Makeup should be fun – #7days7faces

#7days7faces - makeup inspriation

I’d love women to be confident. I want women to wear makeup for themselves because they like the way it makes them feel. I want you to feel that way too. I want you to choose to wear makeup because it’s fun. You don’t need it to hide your face because you’re beautiful, you need to complement your look, enhance your gorgeous features and because it feels nice to put a lipstick on.

Makeup application could be your ‘me time’ moment in the morning, that has the power to change how you feel for the coming day. I want you to play with makeup just, for fun. I want you to believe that you’re skillful to do it because after many years of work in the beauty industry I know you can! You just need the right tools, a couple of handy tricks and a good dose of inspiration. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s vain because makeup is integral to our image just like fashion.

A pair of stilettos makes me feel empowered and ready to conquer the world and I feel the same way about makeup. It doesn’t have to be a mask that you’re hiding under that’s not the point. Treat makeup as a subtle enhancement of your look, just to amplify the message your trying to send to the world.

#7days7faces – Makeup inspiration

I created 7 makeup looks. Each of them different to show you that one woman can have many faces. To give you some makeup inspiration. I’ll be posting one look every day for a week. Make sure to follow me on Instagram or my Facebook page and don’t miss a post. I’ll film video tutorial of the 3 most popular looks, so make sure to let me know which one is your favourite.

If you feel creative get involved, create your own look, share with a tag #7days7faces.

Before you go share this post with your friends, that would like to get involved. Remember makeup should be fun.

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