Staying stylish and elegant when temperatures outside are around zero can prove to be a bit difficult.
I decided to create this post after some reflection on what I saw during cold the winter nights and show you how I do winter elegance.
I see many girls with sleeveless dresses, bare legs and sandals in December. They’re shivering their way to the Christmas party or pub. They have red runny noses by the time they get there. Their legs are glowing pink. I just don’t think this is sexy, elegant or stylish.
This is of course my personal opinion, so don’t get offended if you one of the girls wearing not much and having your teeth chattering. I just can’t take being cold and being brought up in a country where summer means sun and heat and winter means snow and freezing temperatures you just learn to adapt.
If I have to wear near to nothing dress for some reason when the weather is completely not helping I’d at least wear a coat.
I decided to create this little post to prove that you can look very elegant and stylish but feel warm and whilst not risking a chest infection after a night out. Unfortunately didn’t think that the rather strong sun and black clothes were not going to make it easy to take pics.
I hope you’ll like this look.